Roof Repair

Expert Roof REpair Serving Louisville, KY, area

At Full Guard Roofing , we understand that a sturdy and well-maintained roof is crucial for the protection of your home. As a leading roof repair company located in the Louisvill area, we take pride in providing top-notch services to homeowners throughout the region.

Our team of experienced and certified roofers is dedicated to ensuring that your roof is in optimal condition, safeguarding your property from the elements and prolonging its lifespan.

Inspecting Roof

Comprehensive Roof Inspections

Before any roofing repair work, our experts conduct thorough inspections to identify the root cause of the issue. We employ cutting-edge techniques and advanced equipment to assess the condition of your roof, ensuring accurate diagnoses and effective solutions.


Water damage to ceiling from roof leak

Roof Leak Detection & Repair

Leaks can lead to costly water damage and structural issues if left unaddressed. Our skilled technicians are adept at locating and repairing leaks promptly, using high-quality materials and proven techniques to prevent future occurrences.

House with missing shinges on roof

Shingle Replacement

Damaged or missing shingles can compromise the integrity of your roof. We offer professional shingle replacement services, ensuring a seamless and aesthetically pleasing finish that blends with your existing roof.

New flashing around the chimney

Flashing & Vent Repair

Faulty flashing and vents can allow water infiltration, leading to moisture damage and mold growth. Our team is well-versed in repairing or replacing these critical components, ensuring your roof’s secure and efficient operation.

Storm Damage Restoration

Severe weather conditions can wreak havoc on your roof. If your property has been affected by storms, hail, or high winds, we provide prompt and reliable storm damage restoration services to get your roof back in top shape.